With over 50 specialized assignments, veterans can utilize their military experience into their San Jose PD career. The San Jose Police Department is currently looking for highly motivated individuals who are interested in working as Reserve Police Officers.If you are out of state or military, we can conduct your interview via ZOOM but you will still need to come out here to take the physical agility test. • If you have military experience, including reserve duty, enter your military base, assignments, or unit of assignment. Learn how to pass the police written exam, the oral interview, physical agility, and the background investigation. If you need a clearance letter for INS, include a copy of the document specifying that a police clearance letter is needed to process your application. The Police Dispatcher is an entry level, uniformed non-sworn, support position for the University Police Department. If I am in the firefighter recruitment process, how will I be notified of my status or progress?