Military leave is authorized for the following;. 1. Employees called for active duty shall receive leave with pay for normally scheduled work days for up to 30 calendar days.Required For: All Illinois Employers. The procedure is to fill in the leave form and give it to the supervisor. Must the employee give advance notice to his or her employer for a leave of absence due to military service? Employers that have between 15 and 50 employees are required to provide up to 15 days of unpaid family military leave. Cook County ("County") provides employment related protections and benefits to employees who are called to. This Communication describes the policies and procedures around Leaves of Absence Without Pay (LWOP) and Involuntary Administrative Leave. Experienced staff in my office are available to help Illinois' service members, veterans, and their families. Sincerely,. Military leave is time off with full pay for certain types of active or inactive duty in the National Guard or as a Reservist of the Armed Forces.