For additional questions on how to fill-out and submit this application, please contact ELRC Region 5 at 412.350. ELRC Region 5 is providing fillable PDF forms for families.These forms can be downloaded, filled out digitally, and sent back to the ELRC Region 5. If you have child care questions and needs, contact the ELRC for your local area or call the Child Care Works Helpline at 1-877-4-PA-KIDS. To ensure accurate comprehension, providers should review the updated language and reference the complete child care regulations utilizing the links below. The Head Start program provides eligible preschool children in Allegheny County with high quality, comprehensive, in-home or classroom programming. As an open-admissions institution, CCAC does not require college entrance examinations. Dear Provider: Holiday greetings from the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS)! Make sure that the hiring department has your up-to-date contact information. Normal L XL. Dyslexic font. Grayscale. Contrast. Negative.