Form 2912, Pre-Employment Affidavit for Applicants for Employment at Certain Child Care Operations. Instructions for Opening a Form.After asking twice - each time I was told that they will get back to me. The following forms will be used to submit information to Workforce Solution's Alamo Child Care Services (CCS) Program. Staff processes complete applications (with supporting documents and the correct signatures) in four-six (4-6) weeks. 8. What are the hours of operation? Workforce Solutions Alamo (WSA) Child Care Services (CCS) provides childcare scholarship assistance to eligible families throughout the Alamo Region. You will need to provide documentation: Example a letter from the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services. Visit the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) page for guides, videos, and other resources to help you fill out your CCA application. After asking twice - each time I was told that they will get back to me.