Our Child Care Services (CCS) Division provides subsidized child care assistance and provider management services for Bexar County, and 12 surrounding areas. The purpose of this document is to explain the significant changes child-placing agencies.The required documents are: • A copy of the current license certificate from Child Care Regulation. The following forms will be used to submit information to Workforce Solution's Alamo Child Care Services (CCS) Program. You have 14 calendar days to choose a child care provider. Please contact us if you require additional time to select a provider. Please call us at (210) 335-3666 and we will provide assistance in completing the application. This packet contains important information regarding CCS eligibility requirements, along with the complete eligibility application. We'll explain what these forms are, why they're important, and everything you should include to achieve the best outcomes for your business. Below you will see FAQs that address the most common questions we receive.