All students listed on the application must have a completed application, an approval confirmation email, and have all program fees paid in full. Log into the OEL Family Portal.Under the School Readiness Funding section, you will click on the blue "Sign" button next to each of your child(ren)'s name(s). A license is required for any child care arrange ment other than an occupied residence that provides care for more than five children unrelated to the operator. Prior to admission, the parent or guardian must also provide the data required in subsection (C), Rule 6A-. 1.0985, F.A.C., as follows in (a-d). 3. Com or Fax 754-321-7217. All students must be registered in the program and paid before attending. Maximizing Out-of-School Time. The form is fillable; neighbors are encouraged to fill it out online and print it for legibility purposes.