The Child Care Services program provides financial assistance to families who meet income requirements. (4) Admission – The process of enrolling a child in a child-care center.The date of admission is the first day the child is physically present in the center. Notify the state HHS's Dallas Child Care Licensing Office at 1-800-582-6036 or 214-583-4800. Our Texas daycare injury lawyer takes a look at some of the standards that are weighted as high-level risks. The Adolescent Parent Program component of ECOSTS Services seeks to provide quality child care for children of adolescent parents who are full-time students. ChildCareGroup manages the Child Care Assistance (CCA) program, a child care subsidy program, which provides qualified families with financial assistance. We have 60 24 hour daycares in Dallas, TX! Compare and find the best 24 hour daycare to fit your needs. You must fill out this form.