This page was created to connect child care centers like yours with resources that support your program. This application is for you to apply for non-guaranteed Child Care Assistance only.If you want to apply for other state benefits, including. Requests are not required to be in writing, nor is the requestor required to provide their name or an explanation as to why the request is being made. For more information, call the VPK Office at (813) 272-4516. This page contains all of the Family Law court case forms that the Clerk's Office provides. Please be advised that you must complete the registration process and receive a registration letter from DCF prior to providing child care. After you have completed the forms and have signed and notarized them, make 2 complete copies of everything you have signed (one copy is for your records). How do I determine if probate was opened for a deceased person? In lieu of approval documentation, applicants have the option to complete an attestation acknowledging their responsibility for ensuring compliance with local.