To enroll into Head Start or State Preschool for children 3-5 years old, please pick up an enrollment packet at Enrollment Center, located at 5601 47th Avenue. CHILD CARE PROVIDER: Please complete the appropriate section(s) for the children of the above named applicant for whom you provide child care.— The application is divided into two sections: Section A contains the forms that you must fill out; and Section B describes the additional supportive documents. The Preschool Registration Office can be reached at (916) 395-5500. Staff are each assigned to different school sites. CalWORKs provides cash aid and subsidized child care services to eligible families who are participating in Welfare-to-Work program. You must complete and submit all the information and forms required in the application packet. Fill out the child care referral search form below. Enter the Full Name, Date of Birth, and Age of the child in each section. Representative to fill out the CEL application over the phone.