You will need to provide documentation: Example a letter from the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services. The following forms will be used to submit information to Workforce Solution's Alamo Child Care Services (CCS) Program.Org; Fax (210) 227-2716. The required documents are: • A copy of the current license certificate from Child Care Regulation. Your Medicaid letter or card must contain the name of the student and a current expiration date. This guide has been developed to inform you of our waitlist process and provide you with additional resources that may benefit your family. To find what child care operations in your area accept CCMS, visit our Texas Child Care Search website and click the box marked "Accepts Child-Care Subsidies. This packet contains important information regarding CCS eligibility requirements, along with the complete eligibility application. We require all our families who qualify to apply for Child Care Service (CCS) assistance. Scholarship Program Expectations.