There is no form letter or motion. It is very fact specific so you will want to include the things you have done since being on probation (ie, work, school).Drafting a letter to judge, early termination of probation. I am an 18 year old sophomore in college. Customer: I need a sample copy of an early termination letter for probation, I have completed 1 and half years of my probation. You can request an early termination through your assigned Probation Officer. California Law (§1203.3 of the Penal Code) allows a Motion to be filed to request a person released be from Probation early, and apply for expungement. The document provides instructions for a pro se defendant to file a motion to modify or terminate their probation or community control. Please find attached a sample Motion to Modify or Terminate Probation or Community Control that you can use. It is not costeffective for people with a mental illness to cycle in and out of jail.