If you need help filling out this Questionnaire, contact the Court's Self-Help Center at 510-272-1393. If you need assistance in filling out this questionnaire, please contact the Court's Self-Help Center at (510) 272-1393.Select the form group Probate—Guardianships and Conservatorships and scroll down to form GC-050 for an institution or form GC-051 for a financial institution. Complete the Proposed Guardian's Questionnaire and file it at the same time you file the Petition for Appointment of Guardian. Guardianship of Person in California is a probate court proceeding where a judge the court appoint another adult to provide care for the minor. Use the judge's title properly, but only once in the salutation. To order a birth certificate you will need: Name of the child at birth; Date of birth; City of birth; The mother's maiden last name. The primary mission of Student Support Services is to support students and their families in the areas of enrollment, attendance, health, discipline. Request for Ward of the Court Letter. The primary mission of Student Support Services is to support students and their families in the areas of enrollment, attendance, health, discipline.