The letter should be polite, concise, and professional, emphasizing personal growth and the benefits of expungement. Call or visit the Department of Court Records, Criminal Division to receive the standard forms necessary to file a petition for expungement.You will need one copy of the civil complaint with original signature for the magisterial district judge. This document provides a guide to the expungement process in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Under limited circumstances, criminal records may be sealed so that they do not appear in public records. For further information, please call 412-350-3271. I am writing to request that I be allowed to file a petition for expungement of my criminal record before the required waiting period. Learn how to expunge your criminal record in Pennsylvania. How to fill out the Sample Declaration and Support Letters for Expungement? All of this information will help the court see your entire record and determine what records to expunge if the court grants your request.