All Illinois Courts must accept these forms. Judicial clerkship cover letters should be kept briefin no circumstance should they be more than one page.How do you write a letter to a judge to postpone a court date? All forms below with a "fillable icon" are documents that you can open "on-line", fill in the appropriate fields and then print on your printer. I am writing this letter on behalf of a family member mine who is presently before you on criminal charges and is due to be sentenced shortly. I'm writing you to request that the following fines in your court be recalled from collections and set a payment plan. If you received a mailed Notification of Potential Federal Jury Service letter, please complete your electronic questionnaire. The letter should include the name of the court your case was filed in and the case number at the top right. Put the caption (St. v. , 3rd Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60612.