The most important benefit of the Felony Drug Court Program is that if you complete it, you will be on the road to a successful, drug-free life. Have you been asked to write a recommendation letter on behalf of someone you know?Here are a few tips for writing a recommendation letter. A character letter to a judge should establish your credibility, paint a full picture of the defendant and be respectful, among other things. Your Honor, the crime I committed is my first criminal offense and I was not aware that my behavior would result in being arrested, convicted and now sentenced. Patrick Collins represents employers in all aspects of labor and employment law and workplace related disputes. The Commission's legal staff publishes this document to assist in understanding and applying the sentencing guidelines. A Good Character Reference Letter for your Drug Case can significantly improve your court result to avoid a criminal record, and in cases, avoid prison. Legislation and Law Numbers. Department's July 2016 letter to the Commission).