Prepare your documents: Complete "Plaintiff's Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court. Bring witnesses, receipts, and any evidence you need to prove your case.If you got a summons that says at the top the words: "CONSUMER CREDIT TRANSACTION," then you or your lawyer must come to court to answer. You must fill out an Answer, serve the plaintiff, and file your Answer form with the court. Generally, this is due within 30 days after you were served. A receipt is any document that contains the following five IRS-required elements: 1. Name of vendor (person or company you paid) 2. If you use a credit card, there will be two transaction receipts generated, one for the court fine or fee and one for the service fee. Up through this point in our series, we've been using the hypothetical Smith couple as the example to complete each form. The Contra Costa Bar Association has lawyers in the library program on bankruptcy law.