Proposed orders may be included as a separate PDF in the same envelope. NOTE: This cover sheet is to be used to electronically file and submit to the court a proposed order.The proposed order sent. It is custom and practice to use the word "Proposed" enclosed in brackets in the title of the proposed order when submitting it for the judge's consideration. Write him back and state want your objections to the specific portions of his proposed Order are and explain why. When submitting proposed orders, please fill in the following at item 1 on the Judicial Council form Findings and Order after Hearing (FL-340): "Hon. 61 For example, SDSC requires litigants to fill out a separate local form to request a court reporter. Appx. 158 (San Diego Form). Do I need to utilize a commissary in order to obtain a mobile food facility permit? EXPERT DISCOVERY CUTOFF: February 7, 2014.