Circuit Court fillable forms allow you to enter information on a form while displayed in Adobe Acrobat and then print the completed form out. I'm writing you to request that the following fines in your court be recalled from collections and set a payment plan.Describes options available to you if you have missed your traffic court date. I need to write a letter to a Judge in the state of maryland to ask that he dismissed a bench warrant that I received in 2009 for speeding. Dear Honorable Judge, My name is Michael . I have been a safe responsible driver with a clean driving record for a little over five years now. I need to ask the judge to accept my certificate once more so my insurance rates will go back to their normal cost. You have been given a summons accusing you of violating state or local traffic laws. The first is when you have recently been convicted of other moving violations (whether serious or not). "Judge" means any judge, associate judge or substitute judge of any court or any magistrate.