I need a sample letter to a judge asking that my son be sentenced to mandatory rehab instead of incarceration for three for possession of cds. I was asked to write a letter to the court on why i believe that he should be allowed to go to rehab vice prison.I would like to hear some inputs on this. Re: Methadone Treatment and Methadone Detoxification for Opioid-Dependent Offenders. How should you start a leniency letter? My probation officer says I need to write a letter to the judge and ask for early termination and that they will get ahold of him afterwards. I am sending good thought that the judge hears you and does the right thing in ordering her into treatment. I am amazed at your strength and resolve. Court-ordered rehab is increasingly used as a valid alternative form of sentencing. In some cases, a judge may allow a patient on conservatorship to retain the right to consent to or refuse medical treatment. 15.