For Step 3 of 4, choose only one of the following: Respond - Court forms and instructions to respond to a petition to establish paternity. Legal DecisionMaking and Parenting Time Forms for the state of Arizona.But this list will help you determine what you may want to request and what you are required to disclose. Completing the Forms If you have trouble completing the forms located on this website, you may wish to consult with an attorney. There are a couple of small things that I want to add to it. Complete each section below. Question: I cannot find a form on Maricopa Superior Court for a Temporary Order of Child Custody for post decree. Is there a way to move the case to a closer court location and a new judge? Is there a form to do this? A parenting plan is a document that states when the children will be with each parent (parenting time) and how major decisions will be made (legal custody).