We can provide you with samples of court forms that are available. We can provide you with guidance on how to fill out forms.You must go to the Clerk's office located in the Registry of Probate when filing forms, filling out forms, or requesting copies of court orders regarding. EFiling is currently available in all Probate and Family Court divisions, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Examples of valid identification include: Check or credit card for payment. The Middlesex County Surrogate's Office does not accept American Express or cash. You would be asking the court to reduce the amount you owe, so that arrears do not continue to build up while you are in prison. This process can be done. If you got a summons that says at the top the words: "CONSUMER CREDIT TRANSACTION," then you or your lawyer must come to court to answer. If you believe you are eligible for a Public Defender, you must fill out the required forms.