Here are some sample witness letters for friends, relatives, and former employers to support a disability claim. This bill would help protect parents with disabilities in adoptions, child protection, and custody and parenting time cases.Dear Judge Doe: I am writing this letter on behalf of a family member mine who is presently before you on criminal charges and is due to be sentenced shortly. Anyone may file a complaint against a Minnesota state judge. Your complaint must be in writing. There's not time to read all that comes before a judge to read. 2. The character reference letter for court serves the purpose of offering the Judge insights into the Defendant's moral or mental attributes. File a Motion..put forth the interests of the Children..not just your own needs and wants. This guide is a reference for election judges on. To request to be excused from jury service fill out the Jury Information Form, located at the bottom of the summons, or on-line using eJuror.