I need to ask the judge to accept my certificate once more so my insurance rates will go back to their normal cost. Customer: I need to write letter to judge to ask for 12 hours traffic school afer fail written declaraton and this is my second offence within 18 months.In this article, we will discuss how to write a formal letter to a judge, along with the proper format and a sample letter. Writing an appeal letter to the court about your traffic ticket is the first thing you need to do in order to get a violation dismissed. At the start of the letter, introduce yourself and explain how you know the defendant. Dear Honorable Judge, My name is Michael . I have been a safe responsible driver with a clean driving record for a little over five years now. Dear Wilma County Judge and or Circuit Court, hi, nice to meet you. Your case should appear and then you can check the status. I am asking the court today to please consider releasing the hold on my license at this point so that I may find employment to better support myself.