I need a sample letter to a judge asking that my son be sentenced to mandatory rehab instead of incarceration for three for possession of cds. I was asked to write a letter to the court on why i believe that he should be allowed to go to rehab vice prison.I would like to hear some inputs on this. I am sending good thought that the judge hears you and does the right thing in ordering her into treatment. I am amazed at your strength and resolve. These sample letters can be used to educate actors in the criminal legal system or child welfare and foster system to permit MOUD. How the treatment plan and progress are regularly evaluated, including type and frequency of drug testing. Client's progress in treatment. Once inmates have entered treatment, notice of their program participation and recommended aftercare treatment plan is sent to the judge, public defender, state. ) The two systems are not independent because Pima County mail staff tells county lab technicians where on the letter the drug is to be found.