The Family Resource Network provides sample advocacy letters you can use to request services, eqvaluations and more. Dear Judge Doe: I am writing this letter on behalf of a family member mine who is presently before you on criminal charges and is due to be sentenced shortly.In this article, we will discuss how to write a formal letter to a judge, along with the proper format and a sample letter. To ask to become a limited conservator, you fill out and file forms in court. The forms ask for information the judge needs to make a decision. Writing a character letter for a judge can be a daunting task. Here are nine essential tips for writing an effective sentencing letter. B. c. Tell the court about the child or children who need a guardian. Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act requires public schools to offer services and accommodations for eligible students with disabilities. This guide is a compilation of current U.S. Federal, New York State, and New York City Multilingual.