A character letter plays a dual role. Phrases that you can use include saying "I respect that a jury has found _____ guilty of _____ crime.A character recommendation letter for court is a document that provides insight into your character and personal attributes. There's not time to read all that comes before a judge to read. 2. A character letter to a judge should establish your credibility, paint a full picture of the defendant and be respectful, among other things. I am writing this letter on behalf of my daughter who is before you on criminal charge of embezzlement. The character reference letter for court serves the purpose of offering the Judge insights into the Defendant's moral or mental attributes. Most appeal and request letters require a page or two. For example, consider selecting a community figure, like a teacher who has witnessed your personal growth, to provide a strong reference to the court. Judges receive character letters that state how wonderful a person is or how the person is honest, supportive, and trustworthy.