What you have written here is a good start to a request for early termination from probation. Expand on what have written here.You will also want to include proof that you have paid all your fines, court costs, probation fees, etc. Mail a copy to the judge, DA's office, and court clerk. Customer: I need a sample copy of an early termination letter for probation, I have completed 1 and half years of my probation. In practice, however, most judges want to see you complete at least 12 to 18 months of your probation before they will seriously consider closing your case. ☑ You are not on probation (how to ask for early termination of probation is not discussed in this guide). We'll file a motion that clearly shows your exemplary behavior and the successful way in which you have adhered to the terms of your probation. CAP is designed to serve defendants who pose a higher risk to commit a new crime as a result of distinct personal risk factors. Is your sentencing judge's decision to grant or deny the request.