Customer: I need a sample letter asking a judge for probation at my son's readiness hearing (he's 20 years old). First check your conditions, as your probation may be "Terminate upon completion" meaning your time ends when you meet all special conditions.Your own recommendation and request for leniency and mercy for (Defendant Name). 7. Im on 5yr felony probation and have completed 3yrs of it without violating as well as paid all restitution that was due. Writing a character letter for a judge can be a daunting task. Here are nine essential tips for writing an effective sentencing letter. If I need a referral, I should ask my Probation Officer for assistance. How Do I Complete The Community Service Restitution (CSR) Hours. If you received payments directly from the payor and not through the State Disbursement Unit (SDU), please complete the affidavit and return it our office. Completes Felony Court Referrals for felony cases.