A character letter to a judge should establish your credibility, paint a full picture of the defendant and be respectful, among other things. I am writing this letter to offer a more complete picture of who_____ is as a person.Your Information (first thing that goes on the inside of the letter). Good character reference letters help the judge understand the defendant as an individual. Ideally, the writer should express how he or she knows the defendant. If you're not finding the forms you need, contact us at (801) 238-7990 or Click here to contact the web navigator. If you choose to write a character reference letter, please know that you can help me most if limit your thoughts to what you know about me as an individual. Character reference letters can play an important role in defending a criminal case. How to fill out the Utah State Bar LPP Exam Character Reference Form? Express your belief that the parent is the most suitable guardian for their children.