The letter should be polite, concise, and professional, emphasizing personal growth and the benefits of expungement. The letter should include the name of the court your case was filed in and the case number at the top right.Put the caption (St. v. 1. Acknowledge your conviction and take responsibility for your actions. Customer: I need a sample letter to a judge regarding my withheld judgment for a DUI. At any hearing related to action such as this in the USA a Judge is going to look for evidence (proof) of positive changes in your behavior. I am writing to request that I be allowed to file a petition for expungement of my criminal record before the required waiting period. I am looking for an example letter to send to a judge to help my sister in law who is 22, to sponge a DUI she received. This video will help you fill out the forms needed to request expungement. I respectfully request that the court use its discretion to expunge my misdemeanor conviction and grant me a second chance to work and support myself.