The letter should include the name of the court your case was filed in and the case number at the top right. Put the caption (St. v.I request and plead for leniency in the sentencing of my son, John, and ask that you sentence him to a drug program in lieu of jail time. A character letter to a judge should establish your credibility, paint a full picture of the defendant and be respectful, among other things. A Certificate of Disposition is an official court document affixed with the Court Seal that says what happened in a criminal case. Complete Affidavit of Service-Notice of Argument (attached). File Notice of Argument (original and two copies), Brief , Memorandum or Law and Affidavit of. I am requesting leniency and probation (if possible). This handbook will provide an overview of the Hancock County Common Pleas Drug Court and detail the participants' rights and responsibilities in the program. He recently was arrested and is being charged with felony drug posession.