The Retirement Board of Allegheny County (RBAC) meets monthly to review the investment plan's performance and make decisions on monthly business actions. To receive committee meeting minutes, please email Ken Varhola with committee and date of meeting.Allegheny County Courthouse Suite 119 436 Grant Street New entity filing forms are available on the "Initial Forms" tab. The authorization number and words "Dual Registration" must be written on the title application in the area reserved for first lien information. On behalf the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Board (PA WDB), it is my pleasure to present the. Upon receipt of recommendation for acceptance, the application shall be submitted to the Section Board of Directors for approval. Information in the site visit reports, conference call notes, and meeting notes may be claimed as CBI. Meetings. The Allegheny County Jail Oversight Board will hold its regular meeting in the Gold Room on Thursday, January 9, 2024 at p.m.. The team held 10 meetings total, engaging approximately 175 offcampus staff, the vast majority of which were with UT Extension.