The Retirement Board of Allegheny County (RBAC) meets monthly to review the investment plan's performance and make decisions on monthly business actions. Please see the hearing description for registration closure times.Board of Legislators Chambers: County Office Building, Belmont, New York Telephone: (585) 268-9222 Board Meetings: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, pm Committee and Public Board meeting Agendas and Minutes are to be accessed through BoardDocs. Under Robert's Rules, anyone is absent (like the president or the secretary) does NOT sign any inmeeting document. Printing out the Board Meeting Minutes from our. Information about upcoming RAD Board meetings, public comment procedure, and past meeting minutes and agendas. The West Allegheny Board of School Directors met in regular session on Wednesday,. Allegany Planning Board Minutes: February 16, 2011. Present: W. Brown, B. Ellis, D. Foster, L. Gridley, B. Lipscomb, J. Ninos, V. Per.