Learn about forming and registering your business online, and how to complete other types of business filings. Register your business (opens in a new tab).A petition of a corporation organized under the laws of the Commonwealth or of the United States having fiduciary powers, doing business for one year or longer The Chapter Board of Directors shall take action to fill any vacancy on the Chapter Board of Directors. A Director appointed pursuant to this Section shall. The following Bylaws are promulgated to govern the powers, duties, and operations of the Allegheny County Jail Oversight Board ("Board"). New entity filing forms are available on the "Initial Forms" tab. In order to maintain eligibility to serve on the Appeals Board, all members of the Board shall complete training as required pursuant to the terms of §5-207.04. The YLD Trustee shall be a Young Lawyers fellow, or agree to be such in the event he or she is not a Fellow at the time of his or her. Promoting Professional Excellence in the Law: Serving Lawyers in Every Practice Area in Every Corner of Pennsylvania