Community Board 11 Full Board meetings are typically held on the fourth Thursday of the month with the exception of July and August. Community Board Four meets the 4th Tuesday of every month at PM, with the exception of July and August and days which fall on holidays.For tabling options: volunteer sign-up, petitioning, meet and greet opportunities, etc. History Committee Meeting. The History Committee of the Riverbay Board will meet on Tuesday, July 17, at 7 p.m. The next BRONX COMMUNITY BOARD 7 general board meeting will be held on Tuesday, Oct. The Full Board of the SLA holds bi-weekly meetings to render decisions on licensing and disciplinary matters. Parent volunteer, Chair person, Over All Policy council (OPC). It is classified as Non-government company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Delhi. Cartoon - chaos reigns as the chairman tries to call the meeting to order.