Board meeting agendas shall be released at least seven days in advance of each Regular Board meeting. A board meeting must be open to the public with reasonable notice of the meeting, and minutes of the meeting taken.Here, you'll discover everything you need to know about board meeting minutes and how to take them with examples and a meeting minutes template. Board of Directors Meetings: Corporate minutes are essential for documenting discussions and decisions made during board meetings. To comply with the Sunshine Law all meetings of advisory boards must be: (1) open to the public; (2) publicly noticed; and (3) with minutes taken and recorded. Please also fill out form 8B prior to the meeting. PM. The Regular meeting of the ACO Board of Directors was held electronically via WebEx video. In the event of a lawsuit, board meeting minutes can be subpoenaed, and board members may be held liable. Recommendation made to attend School Board Meetings as a speaker to explain any issues. Recommendation noted.