To form a corporation in Illinois, one of the first legal steps you need to take is filing articles pertaining to incorporating in Illinois. You'll need to register your business with the state, prepare internal corporate documents, appoint company directors, and issue stock."Board of Managers" is the usual name for the group of Unit Owners governing an association that is unincorporated or organized as a limited liability company. An organization does not have to be incorporated to apply for exempt status. If you decide to apply, you will use either Form 1023 or Form 1024. File an annual report for a Corporation, Not-for-Profit, or Limited Liability Company online. Incorporate a business or terminate an LLC. Creating a Board Resolution Format for Your Organization. A board resolution sample will help you keep your final document simple and concise. Explore the role of boards in nonprofit organizations and how these organizations differ from (and work with) private companies and government agencies.