"Board of Managers" is the usual name for the group of Unit Owners governing an association that is unincorporated or organized as a limited liability company. Here, you'll discover everything you need to know about board meeting minutes and how to take them with examples and a meeting minutes template.If you are attending the meeting in person and wish to address the Board then, simply complete the Public Comment form provided at the meeting. The bylaws tell the board of directors how to run the corporation, i.e. The 11-member Metra Board of Directors, made up of members representing the six-county Chicago metropolitan area, meets once a month to discuss various matters. Short form to fill out to speak at a Board or Committee meeting. Please fill out the following form if you wish to address the Board or a committee or record a Board or a committee meeting. Board meetings are held to enable board members to transact the association's business. To ensure equity of access to address the Board, an individual may not speak at two (2) consecutive meetings. Members of the public wishing to speak during the public comment portion of the meeting must complete a speaking request form.