The Secretary is responsible for completing the Minutes for the prior Board meeting so that they may be approved at the current Board meeting. The. The Open Meetings Act (OMA) is designed to ensure that Illinois residents have access to their government.Each member successfully completing the electronic training curriculum shall file a copy of the certificate of completion with the public body. Each speaker is given two (2) minutes to present their remarks and materials to the Board. All school board members should be familiar with the requirements of the Open Meetings Act (OMA). All school board members should be familiar with the requirements of the Open Meetings Act (OMA). The 11-member Metra Board of Directors, made up of members representing the six-county Chicago metropolitan area, meets once a month to discuss various matters. The board secretary holds the responsibility of taking notes and drafting the minutes, a duty integral to their role. Each Board Member must complete training on the Open Meetings Act no later than ninety (90) days after taking the Oath of Office. Chicago Region board meetings are generally held at pm on the first Wednesday of the month.