I'm translating a Peruvian college transcript, and I'm trying to figure out what heading to use for the column labeled ACTA. Download the Directory Opt Out form HERE (.Pdf) or HERE (.docx). Background. The primary rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Federal Law 99-380, include: Right to inspect and review educational records. Spanish term or phrase: levantamiento de actas. English translation: to draw up a record. The Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences has multiple research labs to explore and even participate in, select one of the following to jump to laboratory details. A waiver is when a person, government, or organization agrees to give up a right or says that people do not have to obey a particular rule or law. Future research with a population having a more diverse range of. BMIs would aid in the generalizability of the use of night splints for plantar fasciitis.