Board meetings are open to the public and conducted according to the Board's Rules of Procedure (PDF), based on Robert's Rules of Order. All meetings, regular and adjourned, of the BOE and its panels and committees shall be open to the public.One (1) member represents a business in the Fairfax Circle Area. The Board of Zoning Appeals meets at 7 p.m. On the third Tuesday of each month (except August) in the City Council Chamber, Room 100 in the City Hall Annex. A Board member who wishes to participate in a. The purpose of this discussion is for the Board of Architectural Review to consider adopting a BAR. Board of Trustee members can find meeting schedules, agendas, minutes, plans and more. Live and Recorded Public meetings of April 14, 2020 Board of Supervisors Meeting for Fairfax County, VA. The Board may vote on the item (approve, deny or approve with conditions) or request additional information to review at a future meeting.