Meeting Minutes are posted in PDF format; you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view the PDF files. The Town of Fairfax creates summary minutes to document a record of its public meetings.If you wish to speak at a BZA meeting, it is recommended that you sign up ahead of time using the BZA Speaker Sign Up form below. NVC is the preeminent business association in the Greater Washington Region, championing the causes of Regional growth, workforce development, and inclusivity. That business owner has been asked to join the PAB. ➢ Barbara and Joan want to set-up a yard sale event to make money for the center's events. The Fairfax Cemetery Commission met at the Fairfax Town Office at pm. Harrover was requested to fill out a new book from notes in hand. Meeting minutes are the written record of what was discussed and decided during a meeting. We voted to buy some white stone to put in the groove of the base so the mud won't splash onto the stone, and it will complete the job.