The minutes must state the specific reason for closing the meeting, note present governing authority members, and record who voted to close the meeting. Are virtual board meetings legal?We compiled an exclusive legal review of virtual meetings for every state. Dear Friends, Please provide Format Minutes of Board Meeting held through Video Conferencing. Pre-populate items to your meeting minute template such as the list of attendees, meeting date and location, and agenda items. Approved meeting minutes include a description of all motions or proposals and a record of all votes. To receive an email notification about upcoming meetings of the Georgia Access to Medical Cannabis Commission, please complete the 'Notify Me' form below. Some common methods for taking attendance include crossing off names on your board meeting minutes template or circulating a sign-in sheet. General Contractors Board Meeting, May 4 2022, Time: AM, Location: Via Teleconference, Link to Access Meeting. Quorum refers to the minimum number of present members to call a meeting or conduct business.