The Open Meetings Act (OMA) is designed to ensure that Illinois residents have access to their government. Public notice of a rescheduled regular meeting must be given at least 48 hours beforehand, and the notice must include the agenda for the meeting.The Board or its agent must comply with the request within 30 days. Membership Meetings (Unit Owners) Frequency: At least one time per year. The Act is important to local government because it contains the rules and requirements for all meetings, notifications, and manner of conducting them. Board meeting minutes should always be unbiased, leaving opinions out of it. Motions may be considered for adoption at the meeting at which the matter is presented under new business or the consent agenda. Rhe exception here must match the exception In the motion that was taken In open session and entered in the open neeting minutes. If you fill out a form on a webpage, you will lose your progress. We have board minutes that were already approved, now 6 months later we realized the details of the motion were not included.