"Nevada state law also requires that board members fill out disclosure forms when running for the board. The president chairs all meetings of the executive committee (if applicable), board of directors, and general membership.The Chair or President will serve as the presiding officer at each meeting of the respective board. The documents on this page pertain to managing an existing Nevada Corporation or a Qualified Foreign (Non-Nevada) Corporation only. Special meetings may also be held at the call of the President or a majority of Directors. Susan VanBeuge, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN, President. All meetings of the Board of Regents and its committees are open to the public and, according to the Nevada Open Meeting Law, must have posted agendas. President Giomi encouraged Board members with questions to reach out to Vinson directly prior to the December meeting. This report shall be incorporated in the minutes of the meeting.