With rare exception, employers that do business in Ohio are responsible for withholding Ohio individual income tax from their employees' pay. Submit form IT 4 to your employer on or before the start date of employment so your employer will withhold and remit Ohio income tax from your compensation.To amend your payroll withholding account, you must use Form 11A - Amended Employer's Municipal Tax Withholding Statement. File your taxes, make a payment, online services, estimate your tax – quick calc, forms and instructions, form mailing addresses, filing due dates. What kind of notice should be given to the public when a meeting is planned? Are detailed minutes required to be taken at a public meeting? When mailing a document to our office, please submit a check or money order made payable to "Ohio Secretary of State. 1. Amended Returns How do I amend my payroll withholding tax return? Both LLCs and S corporations are pass-through tax entities. To find a meeting, please use the calendar widget or the Events List below.