Board and Commission members provide input to the Mayor, City Council, City Manager and city departments on a variety of issues affecting the city. Visitors seeking assistance from our Public Contact Team at the Phoenix Regional Office are encouraged to schedule a virtual or in-person appointment.The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Formal and Informal meetings are open to the public and will proceed under ARS 38-431 Number and Meeting ID listed below at the time of the meeting to callin and speak. 1. How and where do I submit documents for filing? It is highly recommended that you submit your filings on the A.C.C.'s website, eCorp. Board members were provided an OCCA committee interest form. If Board members are interested, please fill it out and return the form to President Tomlin. All meetings of the association, board of directors and regularly scheduled committee meetings are open to all members of the association. Board Meetings of Be The Phoenix (opc).