See what public meetings are coming up in this list of all meetings of the City Council and its subcommittees. Agendas are available at least 24 hours prior to each meeting.To conduct a search, click the "Meetings" link in the gray bar below this paragraph. Arizona law requires all Arizona corporations to hold a meeting of shareholders annually at a time stated in or fixed in accordance with the bylaws. Approved minutes must be posted to Web within 2 working days after approval. We provide a free sample LLC first meeting minutes template here to memorialize the minutes of the first meeting of your LLC. §38-431.02(A), public notices of meetings are posted in the hyperlink below and will also be posted at the Board's Office at 100 N. 15 Ave. I recommend that every Arizona LLC hold annual meetings of members and managers and that the meetings be documented with minutes. A complete agenda packet is available on the city's website. The only states that do not require meeting minutes are Delaware, Kansas, Nevada, North Dakota, and Oklahoma.