Submit a request online. (Copies provided online are free.) Mail or deliver your PRA Request Form (For District Attorney and Sheriff's requests, see below.)The English as a Second Language (ESL) program offers language classes at six levels, from beginning to advanced (graduation competency). Click on the link related to your activity in Mexico to view your visa requirements. Statements of Information, Common Interest Development Statements and Publicly Traded Disclosure Statements can be filed online at A "fictitious business name" is any name that does not include the last name (surname) of the owner, or which implies additional owners. Create an OpenCCC account using a personal email (or log in if you already have an account) and fill out the online application for Sacramento City College. Find answers to questions about how to request certificates and copies business entity filings here. Sacramento City Unified School District posts all Substitute Classified and Certificated opportunities on Frontline. Languages Spoken (besides English): ; Eligibility (60 characters): ; Area Served (geographical such as ZIP code, city, county, area, etc.) (60 characters):.