Include meeting date and agenda item number or off-agenda item. Our free template for first meeting minutes has been made to accommodate the differences of a sole director versus a board of directors.This Board Meeting Reference Manual is intended to be a working guide and useful tool for Board Members and BOE staff who participate in Board meetings. All meetings will be streamed online. Past meetings can also be watched online. Refer to the agenda and listen to the live meeting to determine when is the best time to call to be placed in queue for a specific agenda item. All regular meetings are held in the SMUD Auditorium at 6201 S Street,. Sacramento, California, unless otherwise designated on the Board meeting. Minutes of the First Meeting of the Board of Directors (Section 1.3) includes samples of resolutions which may be used to approve these initial actions. The Director of Personnel shall act as Secretary to the Board and shall record in the minutes the time and place of each meeting of the Board, the.